AME | Agente del Mercado Eléctrico
AME, Agente del Mercado Eléctrico S. A., was founded in 2002 by the pioneer engineering company in cogeneration AESA, and was born to provide assistance in consulting and representing operation plants in the electricity market. AME was established as an Electricity Retailer in January 2008, managing to combine the know-how in the commercialization and trading of electrical energy together with the knowledge in energy efficiency and engineering. Afterwards, in June 2015 AME becomes to be a Gas Retailer as well, increasing its participation on the general energy market
AME’s activity is focused on the electricity and gas supply to companies, providing sales agent service to cogenerators, biogas, biomass and waste plants, and offering advice on efficiency and energy saving. AME supplies energy mainly to SMEs and large companies to buy their own electricity at the real price on the electricity market (indexed price to the pool) with the aim of giving the most economical and transparent price.
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