Asociación de comercializadores independientes de energía

Discover ACIE

ACIE (Association of Independent Energy Retailers) is an association founded in 1999 with the purpose of representing the interests of independent electricity traders.

ACIE’s main objective is, therefore, to defend and promote the interests of its member companies within the framework of a liberalised market. Thanks to our work, ACIE is currently the main association of independent electricity and natural gas retailers.


All the news and corporate news related to ACIE, the Association of Independent Energy Retailers.

Víctor Hernández asume la presidencia de ACIE

Madrid,‌ 4 ‌de‌ abril‌ de‌ ‌2024.-‌ ‌‌Víctor Hernandéz ha sido nombrado nuevo presidente de la‌ ‌‌Asociación‌ ‌de‌ ‌Comercializadores‌ ‌Independientes‌ ‌(ACIE)‌. El Head of Legal, Regulatory & Compliance Affairs de Eni Plenitude Iberia, que ejercía como vicepresidente...

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